Condition Used
Customers Outside of Chicagoland
$550 Curbside Delivery, You MUST select that at checkout or we will reverse the transaction within 24 hours after warning. Curbside delivery rate may vary depending on the weight of the machine.
Chicagoland customers ONLY - local buyers qualify for the following:
- free pickup
- $250 for Installation** These rates may vary depending on the weight of the machine
- $150 for curbside delivery* These rates may vary depending on the weight of the machine
* “Curbside” deliveries - delivery personnel (carrier) drops off the purchased item outside of the buyer’s location and the buyer is responsible for bringing the item inside. You must be there on delivery. Bear in mind that ellipticals, trainers, and treadmills are can range from 150 -400 pounds so they require 2-3 adults to move.
**During “Delivery and installation” the delivery personnel brings the item into the desired spot within the location. To reiterate, this service is only available in Chicagoland. Do not choose this if you are outside of Chicagoland.
FEATURES * Resistance Levels: 25 * Programs: 15 * Calorie Goal, Cross Country, Custom, Distance Goal, Fitness Test ,Heart Rate, Hill Climb, Interval (3), Manual, Random, Watts Control, Weight Loss * Electronic Readouts: Average Heart Rate, Average Speed, Calories, Calories per Hour, Calories per Minute, Distance, Elapsed Time, Goal, Heart Rate, Maximum Heart Rate, METs, Profile, Remaining Time, Resistance, RPM, Segment Time, SmartRate, Speed, Target Heart Rate, Units, Watts, Workout Summary * Pedals: Larger platform pedals accommodate a wide range of users. * 3-piece crank: The 3-piece crank tightens positively, reducing the need for periodic adjustments. The 9/16" crank arm accepts any standard road or mountain bike pedal. * Heart Rate Monitoring: Contact and Wireless Compatible * Touch-Sensitive Display
TECH SPECS * Max User Weight: 350 lb (158.75 KG) * Weight: 130 lb (58.96 KG) * Dimensions: 50"L x 24"W x 60"H