Item Condition: refurbished

ProForm Weslo Nordictrack Mc-60 MC60 Motor Speed Control Controller Board mc 60 - fitnesspartsrepair
ProForm Weslo Nordictrack Mc-60 MC60 Motor Speed Control Controller Board mc 60 - fitnesspartsrepair

ProForm Weslo Nordictrack Mc-60 MC60 Treadmill Motor Speed Control Controller Board mc 60 37208

  • $99.00
Catalog Number: 1002945

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Item Description

Condition Seller refurbished


Soft Strider TXB - HRTL27970


10.0 - 831.297041

EXPANSE 600 - 831.297140

EXPANSE 600 - 831.297160

EXPANSE 600 - 831.297161

EXPANSE 600 - 831.297162

Expanse 800 - 831.297170

Expanse 800 - 831.297171

Expanse 800 - 831.297172

EXPANSE 850 - 831.297190

EXPANSE 850 - 831.297191

SM1100 - 831.297530


Powertread - NCTL79061

Powertread - NTTL79060

Powertread - NTTL79061


10.0 - PFTL85040

365 SI - QVTL91560

365 SI - QVTL91561

365 SI - QVTL91562

385 - PETL39070

385 - PFTL38570

385 - PFTL38571

385 - PFTL38572

385 C - PFTL39191

425 - PCTL93070

490 GS - PCTL74100

490GS - 831.299370

490GS - 831.299371

525 - PCTL32060

525 - PCTL32061

525 - PFTL32062

525 - PFTL52570

525 - PFTL52571

525 C - PFTL58590

525 SI - PFTL32060

525 SI - PFTL32061

585 - 831.297670 - Sears

585 - 831.297680 - Sears

585 - 831.297681 - Sears

585 - 831.297682 - Sears

585 - 831.297683 - Sears

585 - PCTL58570

585 - PFTL58570

585 - PFTL58571

585 - PFTL58572

585 EX - PCTL58590

585 EX - PFTL58580

585 EX - PFTL58581

585 EX - PFTL58582

585 TL - 831.297660 - Sears

585 TL - 831.297661 - Sears

585 TL - 831.297662 - Sears

585 TL - DRTL42060

585 TL - PCTL42060

585 TL - PCTL42061

585 TL - PCTL42062

585 TL - PFTL42060

585 TL - PFTL42061

585 TL - PFTL42062

585 TL - PFTL42063

585 TL - PFTL42064

725xt - PFTL20560

730 - PCTL70070

730 - PCTL70071

730 - PFTL70070

730 Cross Trainer - PFTL50070

730 Cross Trainer - PFTL50071

730 Cross Trainer - PFTL50072

730 Sightline - 831.297940

Crosstrainer - 831.297460 - Sears

Crosstrainer - 831.297461 - Sears

Crosstrainer - 831.297462 - Sears

Crosstrainer - 831.297470 - Sears

Crosstrainer - 831.297471 - Sears

Crosswalk 2.5 - 831.297380 - Sears

Crosswalk 2.5 - 831.297381 - Sears

Crosswalk GT - 831.297390 - Sears

Crosswalk LS - 831.297950

Crosswalk LS - PFTL40580

Crosswalk MX - PFTL49400

Crosswalk MX - PFTL49401

Crosswalk MX - PFTL49500

Crosswalk si - DRTL20350

Crosswalk si - PFTL20460

Crosswalk si - PFTL20461

Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297360 - Sears

Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297364 - Sears

Crosswalk Space Saver si - 831.297365 - Sears

Crosswalk XT - 831.299230

Crosswalk XT - PCTL74200

Crosswalk XT - PCTL74201

Crosswalks si - QVTL20350

Free Spirit 814 - PCTL60070

L18 - 831.298070

L18 - 831.298071

L18 - 831.298072

L18 - PCTL49490

L18 - PFTL49490

TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50070

TL Crosstrainer - PCTL50071


Cadence 10.0 - TL10.0A0

Cadence 10.0s - WLTL20050

Cadence 10.0s - WLTL20051

Cadence 1005 - WCTL30570

Cadence 1005 - WCTL30571

Cadence 1005 - WLTL30570

Cadence 1005 - WLTL30571

Cadence 1005 - WLTL39090

Cadence 1005 - WLTL39091

Cadence 1015 - WLTL41570

Cadence 1015 - WLTL41571

Cadence 1020 - WCTL28090

Cadence 1020 - WLTL28080

Cadence 1020 - WLTL28081

Cadence 880 - WLTL88060

Cadence 880 - WLTL88061

Cadence 885 - WLTL88570

Cadence 930 - 831.297090

Cadence 930 - WCTL93060

Cadence 930 - WLTL93060

Cadence 930 - WLTL93061

Cadence 930 - WLTL93062

Cadence 930 - WLTL93063

Cadence 930 - WLTL93064

Cadence DX15 - WLTL11570

Cadence DX9 - WLTL21190

Cadence DX9 - WLTL21191

Cadence LS10 - WLTL44580

Cadence LX15 - WLTL31570

Cadence LX15 - WLTL31571

Cadence LX25 - WLTL42570

Cadence LX25 - WLTL42571

Cadence LX25 - WLTL42572

Cadence SL25 - WLTL48590

Cadence SL25 - WLTL48591

Cadence SR 12 - WLTL11560

Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93070

Free Spirit 815 - WCTL93071

Free Spirit 817 - 831.308170

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