Matrix Treadmill Motor Control Board T7XE T5X T7xi T7x Controller 0000094477
Catalog Number: 1000534
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Item Description
Condition Seller refurbished
$100 credit if you send your burned out board back.
Be aware there are two manufacturers of this board, the more common one is Delta, which this is.. and DCI
Model: JHT015M12A
MPN: 0000094477
T5x - 2012 (FTM501E, CTM501D)
T5x - T5x - 07 - 2013 (FTM501E, CTM519)
T5x - T5x-04-G4 - 2009-2010 (FTM501C, CTM501C)
T7x - 2012 (FTM501E, CTM502D)
T7xe - 2012 (FTM501E, CTM503F, CTM503G)
T7xe - T7xe-01-G4 - 2009 (FTM501, CTM503)
T7xe - T7xe-02-G4 - 2009-2010 (FTM501C, CTM503D)
T7xe - T7xe-03 - 2013 (FTM501E, CTM520, CTM520B)
T7xi - 2015 (FTM501E & CTM521D)
T7xi - T7xi-02-G4 - 2009-2010 (FTM501C, CTM502C)