Item Condition: New

Matrix Fitness Elliptical Console Mast Connecting Plate 008042-F
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Item Description
Item Condition: New
Item Part #: 008042-F
Used on the following models:
Matrix Fitness
ESC3 | EP30 | 2003
A7x Ascent Trainer
A7xe Ascent Trainer
A7xe-01-G4 (EP84, EP92)
Ascent Trainer - A3x-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (Before SN EP99101000580)
Ascent Trainer - A3x-01-G4 - Silver (After SN EP99101000580)
E3xc Elliptical - EP301 (Before S/N EP301100802081)
I5x-G3 (EP76)
MX-E5xc - E5xc-06-G3 - 2006-2008 - Silver (After SN EP74080204567)
MX-E5xc - E5xc-06-G3 - 2006-2008 - Silver (Before SN EP74071003341)
MX-E5xc - E5xc-06-G3 - 2006-2008 - Silver (SN EP74071003341-EP74080204567)
Premium - A5x-02-G4 - 2009 - Silver (After SN EP84100900768)
Premium - A5x-02-G4 - 2009 - Silver (Before SN EP84100900768)
Premium - A5x-03-G4 - EP79 - 2009-2010 - Silver
Premium - A5x-03-G4 - EP93B - 2009-2010 - Silver (After SN EP84100900768)
Premium - A5x-03-G4 - EP93B - 2009-2010 - Silver (Before SN EP84100900768)
Premium - E5x-02-G4 - 2009 - Silver (After SN EP8110090307)
Premium - E5x-02-G4 - 2009 - Silver (Before SN EP8110090307)
Premium - E7x-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (After SN EP8110090307)
Premium - E7x-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (Before SN EP8110090307)
Premium - E7xe-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (After SN EP8110090307)
Premium - E7xe-01-G4 - 2009 - Silver (Before SN EP8110090307)