Used Matrix Vision Fitness Recumbent Bike Seat Stopper Wheel 001170-00
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Item Description
Condition Used
Used on the following models:
Matrix Fitness
R1x-LS-G4 - RB305 - N/A
R3x-01-G4 - RB303 - 2009
R3xe - EP604,RB91 - 2012
R5-G1 - MRB50 - 2002-2004
R5x-02-G4 - RB91,EP90 - 2009
R5x-05-G2 - MRB50B - 2005
R5x-06-G3 - RB83 - 2006-2008
R7x - EP91C,RB91 - 2012
R7x-01-G4 - RB91,EP91 - 2009
R7xe-01-G4 - RB91,EP92 - 2009
R7xe-03 - RB91B,EP613 - 2013
Vision Fitness
R2200HRT - RB42B - 2004
R2250HRT - RB102 - 2006
R2600HRT - MRB49 - 2001
R2600HRT - RB59 - 2002-2003
R2600HRT - RB77,VRB000806 - 2005
R2600iNetTV (RB60) (Bike - Recumbent) - RB60 - N/A
R2650HRT - RB79 - 2006
R2700HRT - VRB0077,RB86 - 2007
R2750HRT - RB0078,RB87 - 2007
R2850HRT - VRB0060 - N/A
R70 - RB87B - 2010
R70-02 - RB87C - 2012
R2100 - MRB41 - 2001
R2100 - RB24 & Earlier - 1998-2000
R2200 - MRB43 - 2001
R2200 - RB18 & Earlier - 1998-2000
R2200HRT - RB42 - 2003