Item Condition: New

Life Fitness Cybex Strength System Spring Pin Bushing 3236001 - hydrafitnessparts
Life Fitness Cybex Strength System Spring Pin Bushing 3236001 - hydrafitnessparts

Life Fitness Cybex Strength System Spring Pin Bushing 3236001

  • $25.99
Catalog Number: 506357

Available 14 In Stock
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Item Description

Condition New

Used on the following models:

Strength PP-AP41 - Adjustable Pulley 4-1 - PP-AP41
Strength PP-AXO - Embedded Cable Crossover - PP-AXO
Strength PP-DPH - Dual Pulley High - PP-DPH
Strength PP-DPL - Dual Pulley Low - PP-DPL
Strength PP-FCO - Attached High Low Crossover - PP-FCO
Strength PP-FXO - Embedded High Low Crossover - PP-FXO
Strength PP-HL - High Low - PP-HL
Strength PP-LP - Lat Pull - PP-LP
Strength PP-LPD - Dual Handle Lat Pull - PP-LPD
Strength PP-RW - Low Row - PP-RW
Strength PP-RWD - Dual Handle Low Row - PP-RWD
Strength PP-TP - Triceps Pushdown - PP-TP
Strength PP-ACO - Attached Cable Crossover - PP-ACO
Strength PP-ACOFS - Free Standing Cable Crossover - PP-ACOFS
Strength PP-ADC - Dip/Chin Assist - PP-ADC
Strength PP-AP - Adjustable Cable Column - PP-AP

Life Fitness
Pro-2 Lateral Raise - PSLR
Optima Duals Lateral Pulldown Low Row - OSLR
Signature Bicep Curl - FZBC
Pro-2 Lateral Raise - PSLRSE
Optima Duals Leg Extension - OSLEC
Signature Calf Extension - FZCE
Pro-2 Leg Curl - PSLC
Optima Duals Multi Press - OSMP
Signature Chest Press - FZCP
Pro-2 Leg Curl - PSLCSE
Optima Single Station Abdominal - OSAB
Signature Fly - FZFLY
Pro-2 Seated Leg Curl - PSSLC
Optima Single Station Bicep Curl - OSBC
Signature Fly Rear Deltoid - FZFRD
Pro-2 Seated Leg Curl - PSSLCSE
Optima Single Station Chest Press - OSCP
Signature Pectoral Fly - FZPEC
Pro-2 Leg Extension - PSLE
Optima Single Station Leg Curl - OSLC
Signature Fly Rear Deltoid - FZFRD
Pro-2 Leg Extension - PSLESE
Optima Single Station Leg Extension - OSLE
Signature Glute - FZGL
Pro-2 Pectoral Fly - PSFLY
Optima Single Station Leg Press - OSLP
Signature Hip Abduction - FZHAB
Pro-2 Pectoral Fly - PSPEC
Optima Single Station Pull Down - OSPD
Signature Hip Adduction - FZHAD
Pro-2 Pectoral Fly - PSPECSE
Optima Single Station Seated Row - OSRW
Signature Lateral Raise - FZLR
Signature Leg Curl - FZLC
Pro-2 Pectoral Fly - PSFLYSE
Optima Single Station Shoulder Press - OSSP
Signature Seated Leg Curl - FZSLC
Insignia SS-AB-PF-H - SS-AB-PF-H
Pro-2 Pull Down - PSPD
Optima Single Station Tricep Extension - OSTE
Signature Leg Extension - FZLE
Insignia SS-AB-PF-H - SS-AB-PF-H
Pro-2 Pull Down - PSPDSE
Pro-2 Abdominal - PSAB
Signature Pectoral Fly - FZPEC
MTS Bicep Curl - MTSBC
Pro-2 Seated Leg Curl - PSSLC
Pro-2 Abdominal - PSABSE
Signature Pull Down - FZPD
MTS Chest Press - MTSCP
Pro-2 Seated Leg Curl - PSSLCSE
Pro-2 Assisted Dip Chin - PSADC
Signature Row-Rear Deltoid - FZRW
MTS Decline Press - MTSDP
Pro-2 Seated Leg Press - PSSLPSE
Pro-2 Assisted Dip Chin - PSADCSE
Signature Seated Leg Curl - FZSLC
MTS Front Pulldown - MTSFP
Pro-2 Seated Row - PSRW
Pro-2 Back Extension - PSBE
Signature Seated Leg Press - FZSLP
MTS High Row - MTSHR
Pro-2 Seated Row - PSRWSE
Pro-2 Back Extension - PSBESE
Signature Shoulder Press - FZSP
MTS Incline Press - MTSIP
Pro-2 Shoulder Press - PSSP
Pro-2 Bicep Curl - PSBC
Signature Tricep Press - FZTP
MTS Leg Curl - MTSKC
Pro-2 Shoulder Press - PSSPSE
Pro-2 Bicep Curl - PSBCSE
MTS Leg Curl - MTSKC
Pro-2 Standing Calf - PSSC
Pro-2 Chest Press - PSCP
MTS Leg Extension - MTSLE
Pro-2 Standing Calf - PSSCSE
Pro-2 Chest Press - PSCPSE
MTS Reciprocating Left - MTSRL
Pro-2 Tricep Extension - PSTE
Pro-2 Fixed Pulldown - PSFPD
MTS Reciprocating Right - MTSRR
Pro-2 Tricep Extension - PSTESE
Pro-2 Fixed Pulldown - PSFPDSE
Pro-2 Hip Abduction - PSHAB
MTS Row Machine - MTSRW
Pro-2SE Hip-Glute - PSHGSE
Pro-2 Hip Abduction - PSHABSE
MTS Shoulder Press - MTSSP
Pro-2SE Leg Extension - PSLESE
Pro-2 Hip Adduction - PSHAD
MTS Tricep Extension - MTSTE
Pro-2SE Pectoral Fly - PSFLYSE
Pro-2 Hip Adduction - PSHADSE
MTS Vertical Squat - MTSVS
Pro-2SE Pull Down - PSPDSE
Pro-2 Hip-Glute - PSHGSE
Optima Duals Bicep-Tricep - OSBT
Pro-2SE Standing Calf - PSSCSE
Pro-2 Horizontial Calf - PSHC
Optima Duals Fly Rear Deltoid - OSFLY
Signature Assisted Dip Chin - FZADC
Pro-2 Horizontial Calf - PSHCSE
Optima Duals Hip Abduction-Adduction - OSHAA
Signature Back Extension - FZBE

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Life Fitness Cybex Strength System Spring Pin Bushing 3236001
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