Item Condition: New

Precor Treadmill AC Drive Motor Brush Kit 954 C954i 956 c956 c952i c954 c956i
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Item Description
Condition New
If your motor is a bit sluggish, putting new motor brushes in may help, this listing is for a pair. KIT, ASSY, DRIVE MOTOR, C95XI, SGR, Mbo‑302442b‑c or MBO302442aa Chi Hua 240v 3.0hp 12amps at 4200 RPM Used on the following models:Product Description
PPP000000059070107 or PPP000000059070102 or from motor 59070-107 or 59070-102
954 (6R)
954 (6W)
956 (58)
956 (6E)
C952i (AA38)
C952i (ADEG)
C952i (ADEH)
C952i (AEWH)
C952i (AGJH)
C952i - After 02-09-05 (A983)
C952i - After 02-09-05 (AAAN)
C952i - After 02-09-05 (AYXM)
C952i - Prior to 02-09-05 (A983)
C952i - Prior to 02-09-05 (AAAN)
C952i - Prior to 02-09-05 (AYXM)
C954-ND (IS)
C954-ND (IS)
C954-ND (LY)
C954-ND (LZ)
C954-ND (MA)
C954-ND (N9)
C954-ND (PB)
C954-ND (PC)
C954-ND (PD)
C954-ND (PE)
C954-ND (R4)
C954-ND (R7)
C954i (00XB)
C954i (00XH)
C954i (00Z3)
C954i (00Z4)
C954i (00ZM)
C954i (A985)
C954i (AA36)
C954i (AAAR)
C954i (AEWG)
C954i (ATPM)
C954i (AXFM)
C956-ND (R8)
C956-ND (T2)
C956-ND (T4)
C956-ND (TA)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (IT)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (KE)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (MB)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (MC)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (MD)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (MX)
C956-ND - Ver. 3 (MY)
C956-ND - Ver. 4 (T8)
C956-ND - Ver. 4 (TE)
C956-ND - Version 4 (T6)
C956i (00XC)
C956i (00Z5)
C956i (00ZA)
C956i (00ZF)
C956i (00ZY)
C956i (XC, ZA)
C956i (Z5)
C956i-NH (A958)
C956i-NH (AA63)
C956i-NH (AABP)
C956i-NH (AEWW)
C956i-NH (AGJW)
C956i-NH (AJLX)
C956i-NH (AMRX)