Vision Fitness Treadmill Lower Control Board Motor Controller 013680-DI t9250
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Item Description
Condition Seller refurbished
** You may notice white stuff on the bottom of your old board, that is heat transfer compound.. It's cheap and effective at conducting heat away from critical PCB components... We recommend you go to your hardware store, or somewhere on the interweb to buy a tube for the installation of this board. In picture 3 is a 3 oz tube available at Home Depot.
Factory Direct
For 2.0 HP Cambridge Motor Only
Where Used
Vision Fitness
T7000 19982000 (TM30)
T7400 19982000 (TM22)
T8400 (TM28)
T8500HRC 19982000 (TM08)
T9250 20022003 Grey (TM43)
T9250 2004 Grey (TM43C)
T9300 20022003 Grey (TM55)
T9350 20022003 Grey (T42)
T9350 2004 Grey (TM42C)
T9400HRT 20022003 Grey (TM56)
T9450HRT 20022003 Grey (TM47)
T9450HRT 2004 Grey (TM47C)
T9500HRT 20022003 Grey (TM54)